Sunday, September 30, 2012

One of Canada?s leading political writers and editors, L. Ian MacDonald appointed Senior Fellow and Editor at MLI


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OTTAWA, September 28, 2012 ? The Macdonald-Laurier Institute (MLI) announces the?upcoming?launch of its new flagship bi-monthly magazine, Inside Policy, and the appointment of L. Ian MacDonald as its Editor and a Senior Fellow of the Institute.

?We?re very excited about this new initiative,? says Brian Lee Crowley, Managing Director of MLI, recently recognized internationally as one of the top new think tanks in the world. ?And we?re very confident that under Ian?s leadership, Inside Policy will become a must read for the entire Canadian political class.?

MacDonald comes to Inside Policy after a decade as Editor of Policy Options, which saw its online readership increase by a factor of six to 1.2 million article downloads per year. ?I?m very excited to be a doing a start-up with a start-up,? says MacDonald, ?a think tank that has built a national brand in less than three years since its founding.?

The inaugural issue of Inside Policy, to be published October 1, is thematically aligned to the 25th anniversary of the negotiation of the Canada-US Free Trade Agreement.

Inside Policy will be published in a print edition for a guaranteed circulation of Canadian policy makers and business leaders, and will be available for purchase by subscription and at selected Canadian newsstands, as well as a digital edition. An online edition of Inside Policy will be available without charge at MLI?s website,



Chroniqueur et r?dacteur politique canadien de grande r?putation, L. Ian MacDonald devient r?dacteur en chef et senior fellow de l?IML.

OTTAWA, le 28 septembre 2012 ? L?Institut Macdonald-Laurier (IML) annonce le lancement de sa revue bimestrielle, Inside Policy, ainsi que la nomination de L. Ian MacDonald au poste de r?dacteur en chef et au titre de senior fellow de l?IML.

??Nous sommes tr?s heureux de cette initiative??, d?clare Brian Lee Crowley, directeur g?n?ral de l?Institut, r?cemment d?sign? parmi les nouveaux groupes de r?flexion les plus int?ressants du monde. ??Et nous sommes persuad?s que sous la direction de L. Ian MacDonald, Inside Policy deviendra une lecture indispensable pour toute la classe politique canadienne.??

L. Ian MacDonald dirigera Inside Policy apr?s avoir ?t? 10 ans r?dacteur en chef d?Options politiques, dont le lectorat en ligne a ?t? multipli? par six durant cette p?riode pour atteindre 1,2 million de t?l?chargements annuels d?articles. ??Je suis ravi de me joindre ? un groupe de r?flexion en plein essor, qui a acquis en moins de trois ans une r?putation nationale.??

Le premier num?ro d?Inside Policy, qui para?tra le 1 octobre, sera centr? sur les 25 ans de l?Accord de libre ?change Canada??tats-Unis.

Inside Policy sera publi? en ?dition papier pour assurer sa diffusion aupr?s des d?cideurs et chefs d?entreprise canadiens. La revue sera aussi disponible par abonnement, dans certains kiosques et en ?dition num?rique. Enfin, on pourra lire sans frais sa version en ligne sur le site de l?IML, au

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