Sunday, November 18, 2012

The Role of Karma in Your Love and Relationships - Psychic Cosmos

At some point in the great majority of romantic relationships, one or both partners find themselves asking the question: Are we meant to be together? The role that destiny has played in love affairs has been the focus of books, plays, music and movies for countless years. Romeo and Juliet, the star-crossed lovers, have become almost a universal symbol of the fated romance. Yet, in a real sense, the karmic effect on our romantic connections is an important consideration in understanding why some relationships last and others do not.

The term ?Karma? has it origins in Indian culture and religious beliefs. To those practitioners, karma was the initial act that set in motion an entire change of cause and effect stretching through generations. It was neither reward nor punishment but, rather, the logical extension of the consequences of one?s actions. In western culture, particularly New Age, the term has become synonymous with destiny, fate, and the ultimate expression of the law of return; if good or evil acts are sent out, they will be returned three-fold.

In the context of a romance, love and relationships, karma has a unique role. The paths that led you to discover each other certainly could be said to be the ?effect? of your actions and feelings that had gone before. The emotional connection that you both discovered is, truly, the intersecting of two karmic paths. Now, as a couple, you act in the present day that will cause karmic ripples for both of you in the future. Thus, it can be said that karma has followed the three-fold law: first, directing the meeting of two distinct destinies; second, intersecting each other?s destiny as a consequence of the meeting; and third, the actions and emotions of the two of you now set the table for what will return to both of you in the future.

Using this understanding of how karma functions, the answer to the question ?Are we meant to be together?? takes on a different perspective. Since the two of you have, in fact ?found? each other, the first part of the karmic role has been fulfilled. Your separate life paths each governed by its own unique karmic energy, have led you to this point. So, in that sense, yes, you were meant to meet and combine energies.

As a result of this karmic interaction, your destinies have combined at this moment in time. This is not a promise of a future but rather the second part of the karmic connection that has caused this emotional and spiritual intersection of your realities. Thus the second aspect of the role of karma in relationships has also come to fruition. Although it would be tempting to conclude that the relationship is ?meant to be?, the third and most important element of karma still awaits to unfold.

It is this third aspect, the creation of the karma of the relationship, that ultimately determines whether it will stand or fail. Even as the two of you entwine as lovers, friends, partners in this relationship, you are creating those ?ripples? of positive and negative energies that will return three-fold as you move forward. It is here that your karmic connection will answer the question of your destiny together. If what the two of you put forward is more positive than negative, these energies will resonate and support the relationship?s growth; conversely, if more negative than positive, the karmic resonance may herald the end of this soul mate romance.

So, in asking the question of whether this romance is destined to endure, you are examining the karmic energies that created the two of you as a couple as well as, the karmic potential for a long-term loving relationship. There are reasons in both of your lives that have lead you to this point; reasons that this intermingling of hearts, spirits and minds have blended and, ultimately, reasons that will determine the outcome. These reasons are the essence of the nature of karma. Discovering this essence is the key to answering your question and appreciating the knowledge it imparts.

Tags: Karma, love, Relationships, soul mate


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