Saturday, March 30, 2013

Under Amazon's Wing, Goodreads Plans Closer Integration While Retaining Its Indie Status

otis and elizabeth chandlerFollowing this afternoon's announcement that Amazon has agreed to acquire Goodreads, I had a few minutes to talk to the Goodreads CEO Otis Chandler and Amazon VP of Kindle Content Russ Grandinetti. They stayed pretty vague about the two things I was most curious about ? how the deal came together, and the specifics of the planned Kindle/Goodreads integrations ? but they did drop a few hints about future plans. Chandler (pictured here with his co-founder and wife Elizabeth) said that Kindle integration has been a popular request among Goodreads users, and Grandinetti said he wants to make it "super easy" to have a social experience on the Kindle device and apps. As for what that will look like, he said, "We prefer to talk about features when we ship."


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