Saturday, December 1, 2012

Anxiety Be GONE! - Enjoy Your Healthy Life

Hey guys!

How are you? It is the end of November?.WOW.

What a fabulous month it has been, too. I feel so so blessed.

And right now, I also feel super sore. Ouch.

I hadn?t taught BodyPUMP for an entire week (which doesn?t sound like much, but OH boy?.), so yah last night was super fun. But this morning? Even MORE fun. Hah.

DOMS in the house. So I took myself for a walk & read. Best way to reduce soreness for me is to move, stretch, foam roll, and drink water.

Anxiety Be GONE!

The holidays are my favorite time of the year (tied with the entire summer time?but for different reasons, obv.), but I do recognize that it can be a busy time for most.

It?s also a sad time for many as well. And my heart goes out to all who suffer during the holiday season. <3

I am also grateful for my knowledge of why I celebrate this special holiday time. It gives me a lot of peace amidst the turmoil and stress that is consumerism, parties, and fun. Nothing is wrong with any of those things, but I think too often our nation misses the point?.



This time of year can really amp up the anxiety levels. And just yesterday in the shower I started freaking out about something I have NO control over. None. My heart rate sped up, my breathing quickened; I started feeling super anxious.

As I started to process the issue and began to recognize that I had NO control over the forthcoming situation, I felt some of the anxiety dissipate. But it didn?t leave completely until I focused on my shower, what I had in my life, and everything I was so blessed with.

Essentially I lived in the present, and stopped worrying about the past and future. {A post about?Living in the moment (throwback post. whoa!) if you want to check it out}

Did you know that most anxiety comes from NOT living in the present?? It also comes from a space where we want to control everything, even things that can NOT be controlled by us.

{my niece & nephew. who?most kids do? live completely in the present.}

Tips for Anxiety Be GONE!

  • focus on your blessings
  • recognize what you can and can not control; only work on those problem solving situations where you CAN control the outcome
  • relax: deep breathing, yoga, stretching, foam rolling, reading a chapter in a book, taking a walk
  • write in a journal
  • call a friend or sibling who will just listen and not judge
  • cry and then resolve to focus on the positive in the situation (I am a crier. First I must cry, and then I usually feel better)
  • reduce time spent on things that don?t really matter (for me, this is social media)

Also, a good read:?15 Things You Should Give Up in Order to be Happy

Seriously, people. Focus on your blessings, recognize how amazing YOU are, and live in the present. It?s a fabulous gift to have.

Your best future will unfold as you put the right energy into your present. :)


FitMixer Updates

As a FitMixer Ambassador, I get to be ?in the know? about FitMixer awesomeness.

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Well, what?s even cooler is you get to then HEAR about it all!

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Thankful Thursday

  1. I am thankful for water bottles that have straws.
  2. I am super grateful for my mom & dad. They had quite the busy house with all of us there & they never complained once. They?re amazing.
  3. I am very thankful for my straight teeth. They used to be super not straight back in the day?.

Well, it?s Thursday, so I am off to either run (still kinda sore), or some sort of cardio. Then WORK!

Have a FABULOUS day!

What are some ways YOU stay in the present?? What are things YOU do to reduce anxiety?? What are YOU thankful for today??

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