Monday, December 10, 2012

Using Social Media to find Employment | Mauco Internet Consultants

Using Social Media to Find EmploymentUnemployed people aren?t the only ones looking for jobs! Inside every employed worker is a job seeker. When you call someone a job seeker it means he/she is actively seeking a new job or is open to the idea. Today, these job seekers have become increasingly frustrated at searching for jobs online and getting no response and they intuitively know that the best opportunities are found through networking with real people, not through search engines.

As social networking has become a core part of our daily lives, many recruiters are taking advantage of social media to post their job ads and job seekers are using social media to find their dream jobs. For active job seekers, spending an hour or two a day on social media, with the aim of connecting with the right employers and looking for job listings, can pay off. However, spending too much time online is not the solution as this can never replace the interaction that comes from an in-person meeting with the employees and potential colleagues at the company you?re interested.

For job seekers not actively searching but are open to new opportunities, make sure your profiles are current and the content is professional and appropriate. This is because some employers normally conduct employee background check initially and use social media for reference checks. Employers who scan the social media profiles of potential candidates can determines to hire the candidate or not based on the type of content they find of their social media profiles.

Don?t assume an employer will only be checking you out on LinkedIn. They may also check Facebook, or even Twitter and Google+. The story you tell on each site should be pretty much the same, although it?s fine to adapt the material for the site.


When searching for job on Twitter, engagement is important to make sure your strength and qualifications are not merely being tweeted out, but they are reaching your target recruiters and employers.


With over 1 billion members, Facebook is the largest social networking site on the planet. Groups and apps like BranchOut on make it easy for you to find open positions to apply for.


Taking part in LinkedIn group discussions and sharing interesting content, as well as applying for suitable openings, will maximize your chances of landing your dream job. You can also promote your skills on relevant industry groups to put yourself in front of the right recruiters.


Infographics and videos of your career path are excellent methods for getting information across to potential companies in a visual format. Job seekers can easily create a set of pin boards to show employers the kind of place they will like to work.


Since more technical users are flocking to Google+, this site might be a great place to find your next specialist position or tech-savvy superstar. An important reason Google+ can be helpful is it allows users to create their own ?circles? i.e. groups of family, friends and acquaintances.

If for instance recruiters find provocative or inappropriate photos and information posted on your profile, you are not going to get the job. If they find information about you drinking or using drugs, you are not going to get the job. If your profile showed poor communication skills, bad mouthing previous employers, making discriminatory comments related to race, gender, or religion, and lying about qualifications you are not going to get the job.

Some job seekers embrace the social media to extend their personal, professional brands and others choose to solely use it is as a private channel with their friends and family. So when a hiring manager finds their public social media content, it?s possible to get a better sense of that person?s interests and personality, but that doesn?t replace the value of meeting the individual face-to-face.

For job seekers, it is possible for you to maintain both professional and social personas online as long as you take the time to monitor content and tailor who can see what on your profiles. So if you choose to share content publicly on social media, make sure it?s working to your advantage. Take down or secure anything that could potentially be viewed by an employer as unprofessional and share content that highlights your accomplishments and qualifications in a positive way.

Make sure any profiles you write are free of typos, the information is coherent and applicable to your industry or job, and your photos present you in a favourable light. You can verify the applicability of the information by checking profiles of others in the same field. The information you provide online about your job background and accomplishments should be consistent.


When using social media to find employment it is necessary to have a social media job search strategy will greatly increase the number of opportunities that you will become aware of. Are you taking advantage of social media to find employment? Share your experience in the comments below.

photo credit: deanmeyersnet via photopin cc


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