Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Video: Flames destroy more than 100 homes in Breezy Point

>>> one of the awful drum has that unfolded last night, happened in the city of new york , the borough of queens, the neighborhood of breezy point. what was left there today looked like the aftereffects from a battle in a war zone . marra s marra skciavocampo has the story.

>> reporter: this is one of many buildings that burned to the ground last night, in a community that's already faced one too many tragedies. brian, the fire behind me is still smoldering and this house is destroyed, sadly, it's one of many that burned to the ground last night in a community -- last night, residents here thought water would be the biggest threat from sandy, not fire. the flames that burned through the night devastated this tiny community destroying 111 homes and damaging 20 more. sandy's winds whipped through the town, spreading the fire across the entire neighborhood.

>> it looked like a forest fire out in the midwest. the winds are devastating, blowing from one building to the next one. and those buildings were close together.

>> we had the fire scanner on all night. the fire department couldn't get to breezy, it's horrible.

>> reporter: the fire department says there were only three minor injuries, but it took more than 200 firefighters to control the fire, and pockets are still smoldering throughout the area.

>> devastation. our house is -- you know, in somewhat good condition.

>> 118 of our neighbor's houses are gone.

>> reporter: the bell harbor fire was on the same block hit by a plane crash in 2001 . and breezy point which has just 5,000 residents lost 32 in the september 11th attacks . today they suffered yet another loss.

>> everyone here is very close, and it's a shame. it's so sad.

>> reporter: breezy point will have to rebuild, but not alone. many of the residents of those burned homes weren't there last night, having evacuated for sandy. they did see significant storm damage , including several feet of flooding, brian?

>> mara schiavocampo with just one of the dramas that unfolded in new york last night.


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